アジア初のIUCN世界自然保護会議に向け、 沖縄の希少生物の保護勧告を提案
July 19, 2004
Conservation of Dugong, Okinawa Woodpecker and Okinawa Rail in Japan
RECOGNIZING that dugongs are now present in Japan only as a small, isolated population living exclusively in limited habitat around Okinawa Island, and that the Okinawa woodpecker and Okinawa rail are endemic land birds with small populations confined to the Yambaru woodland of Okinawa Island, and that all three species are classified as endangered (Dugong – CR D1, Mammalogical Society of Japan, 1997; Okinawa Woodpecker – CR, Okinawa Rail – EN, both Ministry of Environment, Japan, 2002);
Concerned that growing threats may accelerate the extinction of these three species – for the dugong, ongoing plans for constructing a joint United States military/ Japanese civilian airport on landfill in the middle of their habitat together with entanglement in fishing nets, and for the Okinawa woodpecker and Okinawa rail, plans for constructing seven United States military helipads and connecting roads in their habitat area together with predation by introduced mongoose and feral cats;
Recalling Recommendation 2.72 “Conservation of Dugong, Okinawa Woodpecker and Okinawa Rail in and around Okinawa Island,” adopted by the Second World Conservation Congress (4-11 Oct. in Amman, Jordan), which urged completion of an environmental impact assessment of construction of the United States Marine Corps facility and of military exercises, and implementation of appropriate measures to ensure the survival of these three species;
Noting the warning in the UNEP report “Dugong Status Report and Action Plans for Countries and Territories” (2002) that “Unless measures are undertaken to protect dugongs in the Okinawan region they will soon be extinct in Japanese waters;”
The World Conservation Congress at its third session held in Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November 2004:
1. Urges the Government of Japan to;
- In conducting the environmental impact assessment for the joint military/civilian airport planned in dugong habitat, consider several alternatives including a zero option, and also include pre-construction activities such as underwater drilling and seismic reflection surveys as items to be assessed,
- Undertake an environmental impact assessment that considers several alternatives including a zero option for the construction of United States military helipads and roads in the habitat of the Okinawa woodpecker and Okinawa rail,
- Immediately establish protected areas and draw up action plans for the conservation of the dugong, the Okinawa woodpecker and the Okinawa rail.
2. Urges the Government of the United States of America to;
- Confer with the Government of Japan with a view to protecting the environment and conserving species in relation the construction of United States military facilities in the habitat of endangered species in Okinawa, based on US military environmental management standards,
- Cooperate in the environmental impact assessments carried out by the Government of Japan for military base site construction by dispatching experts in the natural sciences.
Proposed by:
- World Wide Fund for Nature – Japan ( WWF-Japan ) ; membership no. 477
- The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J) ; no. 92
- The Institute of Regional Study, Okinawa University ; no. 1014
- Wild Bird Society of Japan ( WBSJ ) ; no. 620
- Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection ( JAWGP ) ; no. 1414
- Elsa Nature Conservancy, Japan( ENC ) ; no. 630
- Wildlife Rescue Veterinary Association-Japan( WRV ) ; no. 22357
Draft Motion
July 19, 2004
Conservation of Dugong, Okinawa Woodpecker and Okinawa Rail in Japan
日本のジュゴンは,沖縄島周辺のみに生息し,分布域が狭く,個体数が少なく,他の個体群から孤立していること,ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナは,地球上で 沖縄島の山原(やんばる)の森にのみ生息する固有種で個体数が少ないことにより,3種ともに絶滅のおそれのある種(ジュゴンはCR D1(日本哺乳類学会1997),ノグチゲラはCR , ヤンバルクイナはEN(環境省2002))であることに留意し,
ジュゴンの生息海域の中心部では,米軍の軍事飛行場と日本の民間航空の軍民共用空港建設計画が進み,魚網による混獲が発生し,ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナ の生息地では,米軍用の7か所のヘリパッドと軍用道路の建設計画があり,侵入種のマングース,ノネコによる捕食が発生するなど,これらの3種への脅威が高 まり,絶滅の危機がさらに進んでいることを憂慮し,
IUCN第2回世界自然保護会議(2000年10月 4-11日 アンマン,ヨルダン)が,沖縄島のジュゴン,ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナの保全のために,生息地におけるアメリカ合衆国海兵隊の軍事施設の建 設と演習に関する環境アセスメントを完遂すること,それにもとづいて,これらの種の生存のために適切な対策を講じるよう勧告(Rec. 2.72)していることを想起し,
1. 日本政府に対し,以下のことを要請する;
- ジュゴン生息海域における軍民供用空港建設計画に関する環境アセスメントでは,ゼロ・オプションを含む複数の代替案を検討すること,また,ボーリング調査,弾性波探査などの事前調査も環境アセスメントの対象にすること.
- ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナ生息域における米軍ヘリパッド建設計画に関しては,これを環境アセスメントの対象として,ゼロ・オプションを含む複数の代替案を検討すること.
- 早急に,ジュゴン,ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナの保護区を設置して,保全に関する行動計画を作成すること.
2. アメリカ合衆国政府に対し,以下のことを要請する;
- 沖縄の希少な野生生物生息地におけるアメリカ合衆国軍の基地建設について,米軍の環境管理に関する基準にもとづいて,日本政府と環境保全,野生生物保護の観点から協議すること.
- 日本政府が実施する軍事基地に関する環境アセスメントに,自然科学者を派遣して協力すること.
World Wide Fund for Nature – Japan ( WWF-Japan ) ; membership no. 477
The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J) ; no. 92
The Institute of Regional Study, Okinawa University ; no. 1014
Wild Bird Society of Japan ( WBSJ ) ; no. 620
Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection ( JAWGP ) ; no. 1414
Elsa Nature Conservancy, Japan( ENC ) ; no. 630
Wildlife Rescue Veterinary Association-Japan( WRV ) ; no. 22357
Explanatory memorandum (500 words)
Memorandum on the draft recommendation “Conservation of Dugong,
Okinawa Woodpecker and Okinawa Rail in Japan”
The Second World Conservation Congress (Oct. 2000) recommended that the Governments of Japan and the United States conserve the Dugong, Okinawa woodpecker and Okinawa rail (Rec. 2.72), and UNEP also published a dugong status report (Feb. 2002) urging Japan to take conservation measures.
Unfortunately, Japan ignored these recommendations, and in July 2002 published a plan that calls for landfilling a 2,500m long, 730m wide area in dugong habitat for constructing an airport for use by both the US Marines and civilian aircraft. This is much larger than the original 1,500m by 600m US Marine heliport plan published in November, 1997. Also, excluded from the environmental impact assessment (EIA) are large-scale surveys, such as underwater drilling and seismic reflection, which will have major impacts on the coral reef, seagrass beds and dugong. Making the status after these surveys the EIA’s baseline could render it unscientific. Because Japan’s Defense Facilities Administration Agency (JDFAA) is trying to force through underwater drilling surveys, local residents have since April 2004 continued a sit-in protest at the equipment depot, and underwater drilling been suspended. In April 2004 the EIA Scoping Document was released for public comment, but necessary data such as aircraft types and flight frequency were absent, inviting much criticism.
The Ministry of Environment added dugong to the Wildlife Protection Law’s protected species list, and from 2001 performed a 3-year dugong survey. However, it has not produced a conservation action plan, nor is it actively seeking to establish a protected area.
In 2002, the JDFAA re-started environmental surveys related to construction of seven US military helipads (75m dia. each) and unpaved roads connecting them in the Yambaru forest habitat of the Okinawa woodpecker and Okinawa rail.
However, these survey results have not been released, nor has any conservation plan been drawn up.
Because most measures called for by IUCN Rec. 2.72 have not been implemented, these three flagship species are still threatened with extinction.
More action is needed to conserve them and the other species and formations making up their habitats. To achieve a policy shift by both governments, and particularly Japan, a strong, repeated call to implement the IUCN recommendation will be exceedingly effective.
Newspapers reported that, in line with a general military reorganization, the United States might consider returning Okinawan military bases without requiring substitute facilities, and that, when visiting Okinawa, the US Secretary of Defense criticized the present plan – unimplemented after 8 years – and suggested re-assigning functions to solve the issue. Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied these reports, and the DFAA continues pushing for the Henoko airport plan. Thus, Japan appears enthusiastic about constructing the airport.
Action by international bodies like UNEP and IUCN greatly contributed to the fact that construction remains stalled. Soon after the Amman Conference, many Japanese National Dietmembers based questions to the government about dugong conservation and military base construction on Rec. 2.72, and supported its recommendations. Action by the Bangkok Conference is expected to have a significant effect; many Japanese greatly respect the IUCN.
Explanatory memorandum ( 500 words )
2000 年10月に,IUCN第2回世界自然保護会議が,日米両政府にジュゴン,ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナの保全を勧告した(Rec.2.72).
このように,2000年10月のIUCN勧告(Rec.2.72)は,その大部分が実現されていないため,日本のジュゴン,ノグチゲラ,ヤンバルクイナは,依然として絶滅の危機にある.したがって,flagship speciesであるこれらの3種とその生息域の自然環境,野生生物を保全するためには,さらなる行動が必要であり,政策の変更を実現するためには,日米 両政府,特に日本政府に,IUCN勧告の実行を,繰り返し強く求めることがたいへん有効な方法である.
日本の外務省はこれらの報道を否定し,防衛施設庁は辺野古沖の軍民供用空港の建設計画を強引に進めている.このことから,沖縄での軍民供用空港 建設に強い熱意を持っているのは日本政府であると思われる.現時点で着工されていないことには,IUCNやUNEPなど国際的な機関によって勧告がなされていることが大きく貢献している.