

COP10 22日 プレナリー(本会議)でNGOから声明発表


議論の決着がついていないABSについて、共同議長から、更に非公式の小グループに分かれ、引き続き議論をしたい、そのための時間を下さいと要請があり 、議長提案で、ABSについて週末に議論し週明けの全体会合で再度報告するようにしました。議定書がまとまらないのは議長国のメンツにも関わる問題です。






 NGO -CSO Statement to Plenary 22 October 2010

Teppei Dhoke, Japan Civil Network for CBD
Ramya Rajagopalan, International Colletcive in Support of Fishworkers

Thank you, Chair. We are pleased to make this statement on behalf of civil society.

The CBD is about Social and Environmental Justice. We are deeply concerned about the procedure and substance of this COP. Without a radical new approach in the second week, this COP will fail to achieve its aims. It will be Biodiversity’s Copenhagen.

It is regrettable that this is the first opportunity that we, Civil Society, have had the opportunity to address the plenary. It is imperative that our voices are heard. It is our right and we have important experiences and solutions to contribute.

Similar to Copenhagen, we feel the main reason this COP is heading for failure, is that Northern governments refuse to take on legally binding commitments in line with the third objective of the Convention(ABS), and to comply with their financial commitment. 

We call on governments to adopt a legally binding ABS Protocol that has strong enforcement and compliance measures, that stops biopiracy, respects and protects the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and rejects the primacy of intellectual property rules.

In light of the North’s ecological debt, we call on developed countries to include firm and ambitious targets for the mobilization of new and additional financial resources. Parties should avoid risky, unproven approaches like forest carbon offset markets, biodiversity offsets and the Green Development Mechanism. Parties should also eliminate perverse incentives including subsidies and projects harmful to biodiversity by 2020.

Parties must agree to a strong and ambitious strategic plan. Parties must, by 2020:
● halt the loss of biodiversity by ending deforestation, overfishing and destruction of natural habitats including reclamation and conversion.
● reverse the expansion of destructive industrial agriculture, aquaculture and bioenergy, and reduce nutrient loading.
● Protect the rights and livelihoods of small-scale producers to address the fundamental inequities that underpin poverty and biodiversity loss and increase their representation in decision making.
● Achieve a fully representative system of protected areas- especially marine protected areas -based on full and effective participation of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and women. All their rights must be respected, including free, prior and informed consent.
● Ensure that by 2020 any utilization of wild flora and fauna is ecologically sustainable, legal and traceable.
● End current unsustainable production and consumption patterns, reducing the overall and specific consumption of materials and energy especially in developed countries.

Parties must:
● adopt the Ethical Code of Conduct for respecting the Cultural and Intellectual Heritage of Indigenous Peoples and Local communities.
● establish an appropriate definition of forests and sustainable forest management.
● adopt and uphold moratoria on the development, testing, release and use of new technologies which pose potential threats to biodiversity, including geoengineering and synthetic biology.
● Focus on implementing decision by developing compliance and enforcement mechanisms.
● adopt the proposed United Nations Decade of Biodiversity.

Parties must recommit to the primacy of the Convention’s core principles, which are being eroded by other international mechanisms, Conventions and UN agencies that promote market-based approaches and quick-fix climate change solutions.

Dear delegates, we want to take the opportunity to highlight an unfolding tragedy. Just days before the opening of this COP, work began on the construction of a Nuclear power plant in Kaminoseki, a coastal area in West Japan. The plant will have a devastating effect on the lives of the communities and on the marine environment.

We are in solidarity with the Japanese civil society and their demands.

Dear delegates, each of you has the moral and legal duty to implement the CBD, by ensuring rights to dignity and well-being, of present and future generations.

Mother Earth is not for Sale. No to the greed economy. Yes to equity, justice and biodiversity.








