- はじめに
- 生物多様性の主流化(目標1、20)について
1) 生物多様性の「認知」から、保全行動の社会への組込みへ
2) 2030年持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)に向け、自然資本の考え方、国際基準を定着させる
3) これまでの国際的な約束の潮流を絶やさぬための人材育成の強化を - 侵略的外来種(目標9)について
1) 外来生物対策「ホノルル・チャレンジ」に日本も参加すべきである。 - 海洋・沿岸(目標10)について
1) 海洋・沿岸域での開発行為は中止し、サンゴ礁域及び砂浜の保全に努めるべきである。 - 保護区(目標11)について
1) 沿岸・海洋保護地域を拡張すべきである。
2) 地域の拡大あるいは再配置、地種区分の見直しをすべきである
3) 奥山の保護だけでなく、周辺の人々が利活用している周辺地域も含めて保護地域にすべきである。
4) 主要な保護地域の管理効果を評価すべきである。
5) 保護地域の保全管理のための予算や体制を十分に確保するべきである。 - 絶滅危惧種(目標12)について
1) 大きな開発工事が絶滅危惧種の保全に深刻な影響を与え続けている。
2) 海の自然の知識や重要性を伝える人材の育成を進めるべきである。
3) 指定種の選定過程の公開、市民の提案制度の充実など、種の保存法を改正し、保全の実効性を高める必要がある。
【目標 1】 遅くとも2020年までに、生物多様性の価値及びそれを保全し持続可能に利用するために取り得る行動を、人々が認識する。
【目標20】 遅くとも2020年までに、戦略計画2011-2020の効果的な実施に向けて、あらゆる資金源からの、また資源動員戦略において統合、合意されたプロセスに基づく資金動員が、現在のレベルから顕著に増加すべきである。この目標は、締約国により策定、報告される資源のニーズアセスメントによって変更される可能性がある。
開発分野における国際社会共通の目標であるミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)が2015年末に期限を迎えることから新たに採択された「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」は、環境の持続可能性確保に重点を置いた検討がなされ、17の目標が設けられた。2030年SDGsにあるとおり、開発分野においても、生物多様性の損失を食い止め、自然資本の元本を維持することが、持続可能な地域、持続可能な地球存続の基盤であることが明示されている。CBD COP10で決議された愛知目標の流れからも、SDG目標14の陸の生態系保全、SDG目標15の海の生態系保全の目標達成年は、愛知目標達成年の2020年までとされている項目がほとんどである。
【目標9】 2020 年までに、侵略的外来種とその定着経路が特定され、優先順位付けられ、 優先度の高い種が制御され又は根絶される、また、侵略的外来種の導入又は定着を防止 するために定着経路を管理するための対策が講じられる。
2016年9月に、米国ハワイで開催されたIUCN第6回世界自然保護会議では、IUCNから勧告 「島嶼生態系への外来種の侵入経路管理の強化」が出され、日本政府の島嶼生態系における外来種対策にさらなる対応が求められた。また同会議では、世界の多くの国々が今後外来種対策を強化していくことを約束した「ホノルルチャレンジ」が採択された。日本もホノルルチャレンジに参加し、「導入・逸出の防止」の対策の充実に努める必要がある。
【目標 10】 2015 年までに、気候変動又は海洋酸性化により影響を受けるサンゴ礁その他の脆弱な生態系について、その生態系を悪化させる複合的な人為的圧力を最小化し、その健全性と機能を維持する。
オニヒトデなどの食害生物の駆除などは対症療法に過ぎず、食害生物の増加は水質の悪化に起因すると解明されているにも関わらず(Fabricious,2008)、水質を良い状態に保つ為の有効な手段は開発されていない。気候変動や海洋酸性化などによりサンゴは減少しているが、サンゴの病気への対応方法はない。また、最近ではサンゴ礁などの沿岸生態系が失われることで、地球温暖化に伴う海面上昇や高潮による被害が倍増するとの試算もある(Arkema et al. 2013)。
2011年の東日本大震災後、巨大防潮堤建設計画により東北の沿岸の370kmが失われ、あるいは失われつつある。九州や沖縄では海砂採取も進められており、奄美大島の嘉徳や沖縄島の嘉陽など、海砂採取地点付近において砂浜に大きな変化が生じている場所もある。さらに、気候変動により国内の砂浜が約90%消失する可能性についても(NHKニュースおはよう日本、 2014年2月1日)懸念がある。
【目標11】2020 年までに、少なくとも陸域及び内陸水域の17%、また沿岸域及び海域の10%、特に、生物多様性と生態系サービスに特別に重要な地域が、効果的、衡平に管理され、かつ生態学的に代表的な良く連結された保護地域システムやその他の効果的な地域をベースとする手段を通じて保全され、また、より広域の陸上景観又は海洋景観に統合される。
目標11を受けて、日本政府は「日本の海域の8.3% が海洋保護地域(MPA) である」と発表した。しかし政府の主張するMPA は、生物多様性保全や自然生態系の保全、持続可能な利用の実現に機能してはいない。なぜなら、政府の主張するMPA の根拠となる法律の多くが、生物多様性保全が主目的ではなく、大きな割合を占めている海洋水産資源開発促進法や漁業法に基づく海域は、水産対象種しか考慮していないからである。またMPAの設置に必要である、目的、範囲、規制内容、その期間、手法が明確になっていない場合が多い。それゆえ、政府が主張するMPA8.3%は生物多様性保全に貢献しているとは言えず、真のMPAとは言い難い。NACS-Jの試算では、生物多様性保全を目的とした日本のMPAは0.3%未満である。海の生物多様性保全上の重要地域を含むよう、保全を目的とした真のMPAを拡張すべきである。
2014年11月に開催された第6回世界公園会議において、IUCN保護地域グリーンリスト(The IUCN Green List of protected areas)に世界25箇所の保護地域が掲載されたことが発表された。この背景は、世界の保護地域の議論は、「重要地域の指定(面積拡大)」から「しっかり守り、活用する(管理の質)」にシフトしていると考えられる。IUCNグリーンリストは、保護地域の管理の質を向上させることを、「褒める」仕組みを使って支援する取組である。日本は既存の保護地域にこうした枠組みを活用して保護地域管理効果評価をより促進させる必要がある。
6. 絶滅危惧種(目標12)について
【目標 12】 2020 年までに、既知の絶滅危惧種の絶滅が防止され、また特に減少している種に対する保全状況の改善が達成、維持される。
専門家のもとで行われる海の調査やモニタリングに対する市民参加のシステムを強化する必要がある。陸域ではモニタリング1000や、いきものみっけ(100万人による生物多様性調査)などの市民参加型の調査があるが、海の分野では国が関与するものは非常に少なく、NGO等が行うものも限定的である。海の調査ができる人材は専門家を含めても絶対数が少ないため、調査にかかわる人材の裾野を広げる必要がある。ビジターセンターのレンジャーや、地域のキーパーソン、地域の市民団体などが、市民にモニタリングの大切さを教え、調査への参加も出来る人材育成システムの導入を検討すべきである。地域に既存のNGO がある場合には、これらの組織をさまざまな側面で活用することも検討すべきである。
Table of contents
- Introduction
- About mainstreaming of biodiversity (target 1, target 20)
1) Shifting from recognition of biodiversity to incorporation of conventional actions into the society
2) For implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, we need to get the concept of natural capital and its international standard entrenched.
3) Let us enforce cultivation of human resources who continuously work for keeping international promise made so far. - About invasive alien species (target9)
1) Japan should take part in the “Honolulu Challenge”, the measures for prevention of invasive alien species problems. - About ocean and coastal areas(target10)
1) Development activities in the ocean and coastal areas should be discontinued and efforts should be made to conserve coral reef and sand beaches. - About protected areas(target11)
1) We should expand marine and coastal protected areas.
2) We should expand or replace protected areas, and conduct revision of geographical classifications.
3) Not only pristine mountains, we should include surrounding places which are utilized by local people, into protected areas.
4) We should assess effects of management in main protected areas.
5) We should secure a sufficient budget and systems for conservation management in protected areas. - About threatened species (target 12)
1) Large-scale development have giving seriousl damages to threatened species.
2) We should raise human resources who can convey messages and knowledge about nature in the sea.
3) Revision of Act on Conservation of Endangered Species is required (e.g. revealing the selection process of species with the public, enhancement of public participation for proposals), and to enhance viability of conservation.
1. Introduction
Six years have already passed since fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties of the Protocol (MOP5) and tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD・COP10) were held in Nagoya, Aichi prefecture in October 2010. It also means that we have only a little time until 2020, the target year for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets which were adopted at COP10.
In Japan, report by media about biodiversity has drastically decreased after CBD・COP10. While people’s interest in biodiversity has also declined, serious events have occurred such as diffusion of radioactive materials after accidents in nuclear power plant, crisis of distruction of biologically important place caused by a large-scale public works projects.
We The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J),with support from members in all over Japan, considers our role to provide information about the meaning and value of biodiversity, achievements in CBD・COP10, and conditions and problems of biodiversity conservation in Japan.
In Pyeongchang Road Map resolved in CBD・COP12 and Hawaii Commitment in 6th IUCN World Conservation Congress, various things were emphasized; importance of sea conservation, measures against invasive alien species, and destruction of animal’s and plant’s habitat. Regarding those matters, there are a lot of problems that Japan should contribute to solve them for not only Japan but also for the world.
This position paper was written for CBD・COP13 in Mexico, aiming to resolve for achievement of Aichi targets in 2020, reaffirming what NACS-J has resolved about biodiversity conservation, examining and assessing current conditions of biodiversity conservation in Japan.
2. About mainstreaming of biodiversity (target 1, target 20)
【Target 1】By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably.
【Target 20】By 2020, at the latest, the mobilization of financial resources for effectively implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 from all sources, and in accordance with the consolidated and agreed process in the Strategy for Resource Mobilization, should increase substantially from the current levels. This target will be subject to changes contingent to resource needs assessments to be developed and reported by Parties.
1) Shifting from recognition of biodiversity to incorporation of conventional actions into the society
Aichi target 1 ‘mainstreaming of biodiversity’ should be achieved as a basis of all other targets. However, visibility of the keyword ‘biodiversity’ or ‘biological diversity’ is limited to 46.4%, according to an opinion poll (Cabinet Office / the poll is conducted in July 2014). Also, it is reported that Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans is developed in 97 local governments (35 prefectures out of 46, in 14 government-designated cities, 48 municipalities) (as of March 2015).
For ‘mainstreaming of biodiversity’, it is important that not only the word ‘biodiversity’ is recognized, but also biodiversity conservation become established as a social system. In addition, it is important that biodiversity conservation is incorporated as a system into all activities, both consciously and unconsciously.
In Japan, sensitivity to ‘blessings of nature’ is high and environmental education in compulsory education is advanced. Hence ‘the value of biodiversity’ is well understood, regardless of the ‘visibility’ of the word ‘biodiversity’. However, economic downturn, the declining birth rate and the aging population, exhaustion of countryside by depopulation have caused continuous postponement of policy decision, resource mobilization, creation of innovation and creation of economic incentives for biodiversity conservation. In parallel, nature has been destroyed by large-scale public works projects, invasive alien species have spread by indifference of people to biodiversity, and familiar rare species have become extinct.
2) For implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, we need to get the concept of natural capital and its international standard entrenched.
‘Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development officially known as “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”’ were adopted when Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are shared goal in international society in a field of development, were due in 2015. In SDGs, 17 goals were set after discussion focusing on the sustainability of the environment. SDGs, which are due in 2030, clearly shows that preventing the loss of biodiversity and guarantee of principal of natural capital are the basis of sustainability of regions and sustainability of the Earth.
SDGs are surely influenced by the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Regarding SDG 14 (conservation of life below water) and 15 (conservation of life on land), most of sub-goals are not due 2030 but due 2020, the same time limit of the Aichi Biodiversity targets.
Japanese environmental NGOs are putting efforts on involution of companies and local governments for contributing biodiversity conservation in the world, with international organizations such as International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Convention on biological diversity secretariat, the Ramsar convention secretariat, and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
These days, effort for sustainable activities strongly tied with local communities and NGOs are often seen especially in some companies which use natural resources as raw materials, global companies which put more efforts on biodiversity in international standards, local governments whose agriculture, sustainable management and utilization of protected areas become a major part of regional restoration.
Efforts for sustainable activities strongly tied with local communities and NGOs are often seen, such as in some companies which use natural resources as raw materials, global companies which put more efforts on biodiversity in international standards, and local governments whose organic agriculture, sustainable management and utilization of protected areas become a major part of regional restoration.
Paying attention to the concept of ‘Natural Capital’, there are movements that lead the way in procurement without destroying nature and community planning that living harmony with nature.
However, these movements are not incorporated into systems in all organizations, industries, and local government.
In order to make meaningful outcome of each of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and an achievement of goals of environmental conservation shown in SDGs from Japan, international economic agreement and international authorization standard are required which can be a trigger for biodiversity conservation such as the the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
3) Let us enforce cultivation of human resources who continuously work for keeping international promise made so far.
There are a lot of issues that Japan need to contribute to the world. Most of the problems are caused by lack of human resources who can make decisions and actions for conservation of biodiversity. Hence we need to accelerate cultivation of human resources who continuously work for keeping international promise made so far.
Cultivation of human resources is the most fundamental and important thing for putting all the Aichi Biodiversity Targets into action. A specific type of cultivation of human resources which is required for achievement of each targets are mentioned in each goals below.
We NACS-J, for mainstreaming of biodiversity (Aichi Biodiversity Target 1, 20), provides education for understanding biodiversity for adults and children, and opportunities to get in touch with nature, which can be neglected by urbanization and less outside playing. We also enforce cooperation with local governments and companies which is involved in such education and information.
In order to communicate the value of biodiversity conservation and nature protection, and to share the value of living with nature with citizens, we accelerate our efforts for education of nature conservation through observation and cultivation project of planner and activist who can achieve community planning utilizing natural resources.
Also, we promote activities that put priority on biodiversity as a social system, such as engagement for biodiversity conservation by agriculture and tourism sector through a system of protected areas (e.g. Biosphere Reserves), incorporation of biodiversity conservation projects into core business of companies, and valuing of biodiversity in selection of products and services, with national and local governments, companies, and NGOs in other sectors.
3. About invasive alien species (target9)
【Target 9】By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment.
1) Japan should take part in the “Honolulu Challenge”, the measures for prevention of alien species problems
In response to target 9, the Japanese cabinet decided the “Biodiversity National Strategy 2012-2020” in September 2012, including setting the national targets for alien species. Under the objectives stated, the Government of Japan prepared “a list of alien species that could harm ecosystems in our country (the list of preventing damage of ecosystems by alien species)” and implemented formulating “the action plan of preventing damages caused by the invasive alien species” in March 2015.
Although the “alien species damage prevention action plan” mentions the control or eradication of invasive alien species with high priority of countermeasures and the promotion of rare species habitation or the recovery of the original ecosystem, the achievement status is not satisfactory. In particular, among the “Three Principles for preventing damages caused by the Invasive Alien Species
“(1. No importation, 2. No release, 3. No spreading), measures to prevent importation / release, which is the most fundamental and important alien species treatment is insufficient. It only wrote ‘importance of consideration for the future’, however more specific target is necessary. Preventing unintentional introduction and spreading leads to lower cost-effectiveness of alien species.
For example, it is necessary to thoroughly check the prevention control system in airports and port areas. At the eco tour in the Ogasawara archipelago designated as the World Natural Heritage Site, efforts such as foot matting and acetic acid application contribute to education and awareness of general tourists. And the efforts are also good examples that achieve certain results in prevention of diffusion of alien species among islands and islands.
At the same time, it is also important to prevent the spread of alien species by being misled by building materials, sediment, agricultural items etc. For alien species countermeasures, these measures should be adopted, and prohibiting or strictly checking the movement of goods between different biological areas.
At the IUCN Sixth World Conservation Congress held in Hawaii in September 2016, IUCN issued a recommendation “Strengthening pathway management of alien species in island ecosystems “. In addition, further response was required for measures against alien species in the island ecosystem of the Japanese government. At the same meeting, the “Honolulu Challenge”, which many countries around the world promised to strengthen preventing alien species measures in the future, was adopted. We strongly believe that Japan also needs to participate in the Honolulu Challenge and strive to enhance measures to prevent “importation / release”.
4. About ocean and coastal areas(target10)
【Target 10】By 2015, the multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, and other vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climate change or ocean acidification are minimized, so as to maintain their integrity and functioning.
Target10 is a target aimed at particularly vulnerable ecosystems to cope with the rapidly approaching climate change and the crisis due to ocean acidification. 2015, which was the target year of this target, has passed, but the target has not been achieved.
1) Development activities in the ocean and coastal areas should be stopped and efforts should be made to conserve coral reef and sand beaches.
Japanese coral reefs account for only 0.01% of the total coastline length of Japan. However, Japan is at the northern limit of coral and coral reef distribution, and the influence of the Kuroshio current spreads more corals than in the locations same latitude area. Therefore, conserving the coral reef ecosystems in Japan has an international significance beyond the size of the area.
In 2010, the “Coral Reef Conservation Promotion Action Plan” (Ministry of the Environment) was formulated to conserve coral reef ecosystems and promote s