




To UNESCO World Heritage Center
(Cc to IUCN world heritage program)

Urgent Report on the Problem of mobile phone communication base Development at Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site, Hokkaido, Japan

We, The Nature Conservation Society of Japan and the Nature Conservation Society of Hokkaido, urgently report on the situation at the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage Site, in relating to para 174 of the Operational Guideline for World Heritage Convention.

A mobile phone operator, with the support and permission of the Government of Japan, is about to embark on a project to build a mobile phone communication base and solar power facility, and we express our strong concerns about the impact of this on Outstanding Universal Values of Shiretoko.

We understand that this new construction is required for notification under paragraph 172 of the Operational Guidelines, and this issue should be communicated and resolved between the World Heritage Center, together with its advisory body IUCN, and Government of Japan.

1. Overview of the plan for the development of mobile phone communication bases

The sinking of a tourist boat in April 2022 killed 20 people and left six missing. In response to local requests, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) have therefore been trying to promote the strengthening of mobile phone communications on and around the Shiretoko Peninsula and have already provided financial support and permission to the plan for development of four mobile phone communication bases and solar power facilities (hereinafter “the plan”). The permission according to the Natural Parks Law was issued around early 2024. However, the fact is that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) excludes mobile phones as a means of emergency communication for ships, and there are alternatives such as satellite phones.

Of the four planned development sites, the most problematic one is the plan in the Cape Shiretoko Lighthouse area.

  1. Location: World Heritage Area A (previously called the Core Area), Special Protection Zone under Natural Parks Law (the area that needs to be strictly protected) and Forest Ecological Protection Area.
  2. Plan: Construction of 264 solar panels and a solar power generation facility (including associated facilities such as storage batteries and other related facilities), a 2 km underground power transmission cable, and an antenna on the wall of the Cape Shiretoko Lighthouse. The total area of the construction site is 26,094㎡, including a land alteration area of 3,970 ㎡.
  3. Current status of the construction: Material delivery had started in May 2024, but was temporarily suspended when researchers pointed out the presence of a white-tailed eagle nesting site. The Ministry of the Environment conducted a breeding status survey on 23 May. On 7 June, the Scientific Committee was informed the details of the project and a report from the survey that no breeding had been confirmed in relation to white-tailed sea eagles from the MOE, then discussed the impact on OUV. The Committee requested the Ministry of the Environment and the operator to suspend construction and study the impact on vegetation and breeding white-tailed sea eagles and also requested local stakeholder to reconsider the need for the plan.

2. Concerns about potential impacts on Outstanding Universal Values

  1. 1) While there have been reports of sightings of behavior suggesting breeding this year, one day of field observations is insufficient. The solar power generation facility is considered to be in a high use area by breeding pairs, and there are concerns that construction work may disturb foraging behavior. In addition, there is concern that the frequency of human access for maintenance and management is expected to increase after construction, which could have a negative impact on breeding and habitat conditions for white-tailed sea eagles, and that nesting pairs may disappear from the area.
  2. 2) The main problem is that the operator did not conduct necessary interviews with experts and survey about wildlife and habitat including the white-tailed sea eagle beforehand and that the Ministry of the Environment granted the permission without a thorough and adequate environmental impact assessment.
  3. 3) As mentioned above, despite the area is designated as a special protected zone by the MOE and a forest ecosystem protection area by the Forestry Agency, land alterations amounting to 3,970 ㎡ will be carried out. These permissions would be a worst case of distorting the operation of the protected area system in the future.
  4. 4) The plan also has the risk of fire caused by the solar panels and fire spread due to the harsh weather conditions and poor accessibility of Cape Shiretoko, which would have a significant impact on the OUV of Shiretoko World Heritage Site in the future.

Date 12 June 2024

The Nature Conservation Society of Japan
Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. Akira KAMEYAMA

The Nature Conservation Society of Hokkaido
Chairman         Dr. Kazunori ARITA

ユネスコ世界遺産センター 御中
国際自然保護連合(IUCN)世界遺産プログラム 御中





  1. 立地:世界自然遺産A地区(将来にわたり厳正な保全管理を図る地域)、国立公園特別保護地区(特別地域内で特に厳重に景観の維持を図る必要のある地区)
  2. 計画:264枚の太陽光発電施設(蓄電池等関係施設を含む)を整備し、2kmの送電ケーブルを埋設して、知床岬灯台の壁面にアンテナを設置する。工事の総敷地面積は26,094㎡で土地改変面積は3,970㎡に及ぶ。
  3. 現況:5月から資材搬入が始まっていたが、研究者からオジロワシの営巣地があるの指摘を受け、一時中断している。環境省が5月23日に繁殖状況調査を行った。6月7日の科学委員会で環境省から事業の詳細説明と、オジロワシに関して繁殖未確認との調査の報告があり、OUVへの影響が議論された。科学委員会は環境省と事業者に対して、工事を中断し、植生やオジロワシの繁殖への影響調査と、地元での事業の必要性に関する再検討を要請した。


  1. 1)今年、繁殖を示唆する行動の目撃報告もあるなかで、環境省による1日間の現地観察では不十分である。太陽光発電施設は繁殖つがいの高利用域にあると考えられ、建設工事が採餌行動を妨げる懸念がある。さらに、建設後は保守管理のために人が立ち入る頻度が増えると予想され、オジロワシの繁殖や生息状況に悪影響を及ぼし、営巣ペアがこの地域から姿を消す可能性が懸念される。
  2. 2)オジロワシを含む希少野生生物に関する聞き取り調査や現地調査を計画段階で、環境省が事業者に指示せず、環境影響評価が行われずに環境省が許認可を与えたことは大きな問題である。
  3. 3)計画地は、環境省の国立公園特別保護地区、林野庁の森林生態系保護地域に指定されているにも関わらず、3,970㎡に及ぶ土地改変が行われる。このような許認可は、今後の保護地域制度の運用を歪める最悪のケースとなる。
  4. 4)知床岬の厳しい気象条件やアクセスの悪さから、太陽光パネルによる火災や延焼の危険性があり、将来的に知床世界遺産の普遍的価値に大きな影響を与える。


公益財団法人 日本自然保護協会
理事長 亀山 章

一般社団法人 北海道自然保護協会
会長 在田 一則







