1 はじめに
2 愛知目標
3 横断的課題
3.1 海洋・沿岸(目標10, 12)
3.2 合意形成(目標17,18)
4 個別課題
4.1 生物多様性に悪影響を与える誘導措置の特定を行い廃止すべきである(目標3)
4.2 外来種対策は水際での対策をもっと強化すべきである(目標9)
4.3 保護地域保護地域の拡張及び機能を強化すべきである(目標11)
1 はじめに
2010年10月に愛知・名古屋で開催された生物多様性条約第5回カルタヘナ議定書会合(MOP5)、第10回生物多様性条約締約国会議(CBD COP10)からすでに4年が経過し、愛知目標が採択されてから目標とする2020年まで早くも半ばに差し掛かっている。しかし日本では、CBD COP10以降は生物多様性に関するメディアの報道が急速に減少し、人々の関心も低下してきている。この間、原子力発電所事故に伴う放射性物質の拡散や、大型公共事業に伴う開発により重要な場所が破壊の危機にさらされるなど、生物多様性保全にとって深刻な影響を与えるできごとが続いている。そのため、私たちNACS-Jは、生物多様性そのものの意味や価値、COP10の成果などが忘れられてしまうのではないかという危機感を抱いている。こうした中で、COP10の成果や日本の生物多様性保全の状況や課題をあらためて伝えていくことが、全国の現場で活動する会員に支えられているNACS-Jの役割といえる。
2 愛知目標
3 横断的課題
3.1 海洋・沿岸(目標10,12)
オニヒトデなどの食害生物の駆除などは対症療法に過ぎず、食害生物の増加は水質の悪化に起因すると解明されているにも関わらず(Fabricious,2008)、水質を良い状態に保つ為の有効な手段は開発されていない。気候変動や海洋酸性化などによりサンゴは減少しているが、サンゴの病気への対応方法はない。また、最近ではサンゴ礁などの沿岸生態系が失われることで、地球温暖化に伴う海面上昇や高潮による被害が倍増するとの試算もある(Arkema et al. 2013)。
甲殻類では、わずかのべ10日間の調査の結果(2008~2009年)、61科241属496種の十脚甲殻類が得られ、少なくとも36種の未記載種および25種の日本初記録種が含まれており(藤田ら 2009)、また同じ調査においてシャコ類についても3種の未記載種と4種の日本初記録種が発見された(藤田ら 2009)。さらにその後の調査研究により、オオウラコユビピンノ、イトアシロウソクエビなど4種の新種と、キザミロウソクエビやタカノツメカクレエビなどの4種の日本初記録種が論文として公表されている(Komai & Fujita, 2014など)。このように甲殻類のみをとっても本海域の生物多様性は高い。
貝類では、大浦湾の干潟における150種を記録し、辺野古・大浦湾全域では815種を超える種の記録がある(黒住ら2003、2007など)。その後も海草藻場に生息する小型(長さ7-8mm)の白い二枚貝であるザンノナミダ(2007年)や、フタツアナスカシカシパンという平たいウニの仲間の体表に寄生する小型(高さ1cmほど)の巻貝であるフタツアナスカシカシパンヤドリニナ(Matsuda, H.et.al)が発見されるなど、多様であることが複数の専門家により明らかにされた。
魚類では、これまで分布の北限が中城湾であったトカゲハゼが、大浦湾にも生息していることが判明し(昆健志ら, 2003)、日本未記録のナマコ類が少なくとも4種確認された(小渕、2011)。海藻類では、大葉ら(2010)により182種の生息が確認され、そのうち4種が新種であることが判明している。イシサンゴにしては珍しく岩に固着せず、泥の上で生活し、群体が分裂することで泥場への生活を可能にしているコモチハナガササンゴの発見(Kitano et al 2013)も最近のことである。環境省のレッドデータブックに準絶滅危惧種として記載されている7種の海草から成る沖縄島最大規模の海草藻場の存在も貴重である。泡瀬干潟においても新種や国内初記録の生物種が発見された。海草など移植された種もあったが失敗に終わった。これらの種はレッドリストや論文には残されたが、生き残ることは出来なかった。多くの種にとり重要な生息地が埋め立てにより失われた。
専門家のもとで行われる海の調査やモニタリングに対する市民参加のシステムを強化する必要がある。陸域ではモニタリング1000や、いきものみっけ(100万人による生物多様性調査)などの市民参加型の調査があるが、海の分野では国が関与するものは非常に少なく、NGO等が行うものも限定的である。海の調査ができる人材は専門家を含めても絶対数が少ないため、調査にかかわる人材の裾野を広げる必要がある。ビジターセンターのレンジャーや、地域のキーパーソン、地域の市民団体などが、市民にモニタリングの大切さを教え、調査への参加も出来る人材育成システムの導入を検討すべきである。地域に既存のNGO がある場合には、これらの組織をさまざまな側面で活用することも検討すべきである。
3.2 合意形成(目標17、18)
目標18:2020年までに、生物多様性の保全及び持続可能な利用に関連する先住民の社会及び地域社会の伝統的な知識、工夫、慣行及びこれらの社会の生物資源の利用慣行が、国内法制度及び関連する国際的義務に従って尊重され、これらの社会の完全かつ効果的な参加のもとに、あらゆる関連するレベルにおいて、条約の実施に完全に組み入れられ、反映される。 |
4 個別課題
4.1 生物多様性に悪影響を与える誘導措置の特定を行い、それを廃止すべきである
4.2 外来種対策は水際での対策を更に強化すべきである
4.3 保護地域の拡張及び機能を強化すべきである(目標11)
目標11:2020年までに、少なくとも陸域及び内陸水域の17%、また沿岸域及び海域の10%、特に、生物多様性と生態系サービスに特別に重要な地域が、効果的、衡平に管理され、かつ生態学的に代表的な良く連結された保護地域システムやその他の効果的な地域をベースとする手段を通じて保全され、また、より広域の陸上景観や海洋景観に統合される。 |
目標11を受けて、日本政府は海域の保全について、「日本の海域の8.3% が海洋保護地域(MPA) である」と発表した。しかし政府の主張するMPA が、真に生物多様性保全や自然生態系の保全、持続可能な利用の実現のために機能し得えているものではない。政府の主張するMPA の根拠となる法律の多くが、生物多様性保全を主目的としておらず、政府の主張するMPA のうち、大きな割合を占める海洋水産資源開発促進法や漁業法に基づく海域は、水産対象種しか考慮していない。またMPAの設置に必要である、目的、範囲、規制内容、その期間、手法が明確になっていない場合が多い。そのため、政府が主張するMPA8.3%は生物多様性保全に貢献しているとは言えず、MPAと呼べないものである。NACS-Jの試算によれば、生物多様性保全を目的とした日本のMPAは0.3%未満であり、生物多様性保全上の重要地域を含むようにその保全を目的とした真のMPAを拡張すべきである。
The Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J)’s Key Message of current status of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and future challenges
Table of contents
1 Introduction
2 The Aichi Biodiversity Targets
3 Cross-cutting issues
3.1 Status of coastal and marine areas (Target 10, 12)
3.2 Status of Consensus building(Target 17, 18)
4 Thematic issues
4.1 Party should identify incentives harmful to biodiversity and eliminate it.(Target 3)
4.2 Party should accelerate the border control of invasive alien species.(Target 9)
4.3 The expansion and enhancement of Protected Area are needed.(Target 11)
1 Introduction
Four years have passed since CBD COP10 / MOP 5 was held in Nagoya, Aichi in October, 2010 and it is already halfway through the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2010 (UNDB). However, the coverage of the media on biodiversity was decreased rapidly after CBD COP 10 and the awareness on biodiversity have been declined in Japan. We, Nature Conservation Society of Japan (NACS-J) concerned that the meaning and value of biodiversity and achievements of CBD COP10 outcome will fall into oblivion because of some serious issues happened for conservation of biodiversity such as the release of radioactive materials due to nuclear accident and the important natural habitats are in danger because of large-scale public development projects. NACS-J, in close collaboration with local active members, has a mission to reaffirm the achievements of CBD COP10 outcome and current status and future challenges of conservation of biodiversity in Japan.
On the occasion of CBD COP12 in Pyeong Chang , the Republic of Korea,
-Reaffirming our messages for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and
-Recognizing and assessing the status on conservation of biodiversity in Japan as midterm review of implementation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets,
NACS-J recommends the directions and challenge for fulfilling achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets by 2020 through this position paper.
2 The Aichi Biodiversity Targets
The evaluation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets on Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) 4 was “most of the Aichi Targets are not on track for being met by 2020” and the situation is same in Japan. Scale-up of activities for the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and further positive actions for social change are needed in the country and overseas. Therefore the process and milestones to achieving the goal is essential to clarify and it is necessary to reach the consensus of “PyeongChang Roadmap”. Japan committee for UNDB (UNDB-J) and “Nijyu-maru project (Double 20 campaign)” by Japan Committee for IUCN (IUCN-J) are recognized as efficient tools for involving various stakeholders to the activities in Japan. We believe that visualizing actions for achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and systems for involving various stakeholders to express and implement the commitment for the Aichi Biodiversity Targets are needed in each country.
3 Cross cutting issues
3.1 Status of coastal and marine areas (Target 10, 12)
Target 10 By 2015, the multiple anthropogenic pressures on coral reefs, and other vulnerable ecosystems impacted by climate change or ocean acidification are minimized, so as to maintain their integrity and functioning. |
Development works that make a serious damage for marine and coastal areas ecosystem have not been stopped yet.
Coral reefs and coastal ecosystems such as natural sandy beach are in danger because they are vulnerable to environmental changes. The percentage of natural coastline only remain at 53.1% in Japan (Ministry of the Environment,1998 ) and yet coastal reclamations and seawall constructions are increasing rather than been stopped during this four years. Live coral coverage has been dropped dramatically because of coral bleaching, which is thought to be correlated with climate change, direct habitat destructions by development, deterioration of water etc. (Okinawa prefecture, 2009-2011). Also the frequency of coral bleaching is increasing (Guldberg,1998).
Elimination of predators such as COTS (Crown-of-thorns starfish: Acanthaster planci) is just a supportive measure and it have already understood the mechanism that the increase of predators is caused by deterioration of water (Fabricious ,2008). However the effective measures for keeping the quality of water in good condition have not developed. Live coral coverage has decreased due to climate change, ocean acidification but there are no coping techniques for disease of coral reefs. These days some research shows that damages by sea level rise and tidal waves are doubled by loss of coastal ecosystem such as coral reefs (Arkema et al. 2013).
Seawall construction projects in Tohoku area are causing loss of natural sandy beach in wide area. Furthermore, there are some unnecessary constructions in coastline such as shore roads in many parts of the nation. Those are irreversible development cutting down the relationship between land and sea. Yet there are few natural coastlines, development projects in coral reefs area or natural sandy beach should be done carefully to accomplish the target 10. Direct habitat destruction and contaminant input of pollutants should be stopped. In all meaning, it is essential to examine the current condition which developments cause huge loss and threats of biodiversity in marine area should be stopped.
Large-scale of development projects has been making serious impacts for the conservation status of threatened species.
There is a construction project in Kaminoseki, Yamaguchi prefecture despite the place is known as a habitat for rare species such as finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) or crested murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume). In Okinawa, some large-scale public development projects have been advanced such as Oomine-coast, Urasoe-coast, Awase-tidal flat, and Henoko-Ooura bay tidal flat (Futenma Replacement Facilities). In any of these places, it has ascertained that there are threatened and rare species and the first discovered species in Japan which is on the Red List by Ministry of Environment (MoE) or Prefectural Red List. Especially, the project in Henoko-Ooura bay tidal flat has been promoted even if the place is known as a habitat for under ten Dugongs which are Okinawa island is the northern limit. Furthermore, the largest seagrass meadow in Okinawa is also located in this area, which consists of seven near threatened species (NT), as identified in the National Red List by MoE.
Crustaceans: a mere 10-day survey (2008–2009) found 496 species of decapod crustaceans in 61 families and 241genera, including at least 36 undescribed species and 25 species found in Japan for the first time (Fujita et al., 2009). The same survey also discovered three undescribed mantis shrimp species, and four found in Japan for the first time (Fujita et al., 2009). Subsequent research discovered four new species including Uruma ourana and Processa filipes (Komai & Fujita), 2014, and four species found in Japan for the first time, including Processa affinis (Hayashi, 1975) and Periclimenes incertus, which were announced in academic papers (Komai and Fujita, 2014, and others). With respect to crustaceans alone, this marine area is rich in biodiversity.
Shellfish: There are records of 150 species on the Oura Bay tidal flat, and over 815 species in the total Henoko-Oura Bay area (Kurozumi et al., 2003, 2007, and others). Subsequent further discoveries by multiple experts have found diverse shellfish including Semelangulus lacrimadugongi, a small (7–8 mm), white bivalve that lives in seagrass meadows, and Hypermastus ryukyuensis, a small (about 1 cm high) univalve which lives as a parasite on a flat sand dollar called Echinodiscus tenuissimus (Matsuda, H. et al.).
Fish: The mudskipper Scartelaos histophorus, whose distribution was Nakagusuku Bay at its northern extreme, has been found inhabiting Oura Bay as well (Kon, T. et al., 2003), and at least four sea cucumber species have been confirmed in Japan for the first time (Obuchi, 2011).
Seagrasses: Oba et al. (2010) confirmed the presence of 182 species, of which four were found to be new species.
Coral: Recently discovered is Goniopora stokesi, which is unusual among stony corals because it does not attach itself to rocks, instead living on mud in dividing colonies, thereby making it possible to live on muddy bottoms (Kitano et al., 2013).
Also of great value is Okinawa Island’s largest seagrass meadow, which comprises seven species of seagrasses listed as near threatened species in the National Red List.
In Awase tidal flat, various new species and the first recorded findings of certain species in Japan were confirmed as well. Some species such as seagrass were transplanted, but failed and those species could not survive. Those species were listed in Red List and papers, however most of them have disappeared. The important habitat for many species has been lost by land reclamation.
In Oomine-coast, the land reclamation project has already started while there is no efficient conservation measures for valuable species inhabit. Under current conditions, it would be difficult to attain Aichi target 10.
Human resource development of marine area should be accelerated.
Citizen based monitoring and the system which allows citizens to participate in monitoring studies undertaken by experts should be encouraged. There are some Citizen based monitoring for the terrestrial areas such as “Monitoring Sites 1000 Project” or “Ikimono mikke(Biodiversity observation by one million people)” but those are just a few for the marine area.
Expanding the staff base for marine research is critical due to the limited numbers of staff capable of conducting marine research. A system for human resource development should be discussed. One option is a system where rangers at visitor centers, local key persons, and NGOs teach ordinary citizens the importance of monitoring, so that it motivates citizens to participate in investigations. In cases where local NGOs are already present, these organizations could be also used for a range of other aspects.
Citizen’s participation in and implementation of the results of monitoring studies can be achieved by taking local conditions into consideration and using various methods such as those described above. Our goal for the future is to build a mechanism to properly incorporate the results of citizen’ monitoring into policies.
3.2 Status of Consensus building (Target 17,18)
Target 17 By 2015 each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan. |
Consensus-building and full citizen participation must be ensured.
The 5th National Report was launched early this year. Although public comments to the draft had been heard by Japanese government, the 5th National Report has a low recognition and the amount of comments to the draft was just a few. Also, the comments seem not to be reflected to the final 5th National Report not only this case but also the Local Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans in each prefecture or environmental ordinance.
The traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities have not respected in Japan.
In Okinawa, Yamaguchi, Tokushima prefecture and Tohoku area, the large-scale public development projects has been advanced without respect to the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of local communities. There were some occasions which the citizen’s comment can reflect such as environmental assessments, Land Reclamation Approval process and meetings to explain to local residents but those had become a dead letter and have not been reached the level of “citizen participation from local communities”. It is essential to address consensus-building between citizenship and every level such as government, local government, municipalities in order to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets 17 and 18.
4 Thematic issues
4.1 Party should identify incentives harmful to biodiversity and eliminate it.
“Modalities and milestones for the Aichi Biodiversity Target 3 (agenda item 14)” which was recommended by 5th ad-hoc open ended working group on Review and Implementation(WGRI) is effective measure to the resource mobilization for conservation of biodiversity and cost reduction of the implementation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, therefore this milestone should be adopted as it is stand. NACS-J welcomes the effort made by Japanese government presented at WGRI 5th for reaching this agreement and drafting recommendation.
NACS-J ready to support Japanese government to identify, eliminate, phased out or reform the incentives, including subsidies, harmful to biodiversity through collecting cases on the ground and provide them to the government.
4.2 Party should accelerate the border control of invasive alien species.
Target 9 By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment. |
Responding to the Target 9, The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Japan 2012 -2020 was decided by the cabinet and National Target about the invasive alien species have made.
By 2014, the Japanese government set up some key goals,
- To list up invasive alien species and make a blacklist(provisional titles) of them
- To formulate an action plan of prevention of damage caused by invasive alien species.
- To control or eradicate priority species.
- To encourage the resilience of ecosystem or recheck the growth situation of rare species.
The principles of managing invasive alien species are 1. To prevent their introduction 2. To prevent their abandonment 3. To prevent their expansion and especially border control is the most important management from cost-effectiveness points of view.
It is concerned that the invasive alien species management will be a ceaseless struggle because National Target is insufficient. The target says that “A border control will be discussed”. Such an abstract target cannot help the situation especially unintentionally introduction and expansion of them. This year is the “International Year of Small Island Developing States” and international concern over this issues in islands where has vulnerable ecosystems is notably attracted.
Japan is surrounded by sea, but not all port areas have prevention system of epidemics. In Ogasawara Islands, World Natural Heritage site, there is an example to prevent invasive species in an island and between islands, and to educate people by mat and coating acetic acid for shoes during eco-tour. To stop the expansion of invasive species at national level, it is necessary to develop prevention system to all ports.
At the same time, it is important and difficult problem to prevent it with soil and 前のページに戻る