








ライス国務長官 殿
ラムズフェルド国防長官 殿
ノートン内務長官 殿





  1. IUCNの国家会員ならびに政府機関会員として、沖縄の絶滅危惧種を救うために、米連邦政府の環境政策を再考すること。
  2. 普天間飛行場代替施設建設事業ならびに米軍北部訓練場ヘリパッド建設事業に関して、日本政府と共同で環境影響評価をすること。




(財)日本自然保護協会 理事長 田畑 貞寿
(財)WWFジャパン 事務局長 日野 迪夫
ジュゴン保護キャンペーンセンター共同代表 宮城 康博

March 28,2005

Dr. Condoleezza Rice, United States Secretary of State
Mr. Donald H. Rumsfeld, United States Secretary of Defense
Ms. Gale A. Norton, United States Secretary of the Interior

We write to you on behalf of the Nature Conservation Society of Japan, World Wildlife Fund-Japan, Wild Bird Society of Japan and Save Dugong Campaign Center, all non-profit organizations devoted to the conservation of endangered species in Okinawa, Japan.

Last November, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), at its third World Conservation Congress held in Bangkok, Thailand, adopted a recommendation to the governments of Japan and the United States entitled, “Conservation of dugong, Okinawa Woodpecker and Okinawa Rail”. This was the second such recommendation. Despite a previous recommendation (Rec.2.27) adopted at the second World Conservation Congress held in Amman, Jordan in 2000, the Government of Japan accepted a plan in 2002 to construct an offshore US military air base in Okinawa’s pristine Henoko Bay. The air base will stretch 2,500 m long and 700 m wide over a reclaimed coral reef that is known to be the primary habitat of the critically endangered dugong (Dugong dugon). Furthermore, Japan’s Defense Facilities Administration Bureau pushed ahead with geological surveys, including a boring survey shown to have damaged the coral reef, prior to conducting an environment impact assessment.

IUCN, the largest conservation institution of its kind, adopted the recommendation a second time because no significant progress had been observed since its 2000 recommendation to the governments of Japan and United States to save endangered species in Okinawa. Taking this fact into account, we request that you initiate the following actions immediately in order to save endangered species, including dugong, Okinawa Woodpecker and Okinawa Rail.


  1. As a state member and a governmental agency member of IUCN, reconsider the environmental policy of the federal government so as to save endangered species in Okinawa;
  2. Upon request, implement a joint environment impact assessment with the Government of Japan on the plan to relocate the US Marine Corps Futenma Air Station to the waters off Camp Schwab, and the plan to construct new helipads within the Northern Training Area.


Sadatoshi Tabata, Director General, The Nature Conservation Society of Japan
Michio Hino, Director General, WWF-Japan
Yasuhiro Miyagi, Co-Chair, Save the Dugong Campaign Center







